What to do on a cold winter day?
We chose to embrace the cold and enjoy it for what it is and have a little fun if we were going to be stuck inside.

Our first experiment of the day was SNOW DOUGH!! There are many recipes out there but I wanted something I didn't have to cook with few ingredients.
Bonus: I everything I needed on hand! So no impromptu stops at the grocery store or WalMart on the way to work this morning. (:
1 part Conditioner
2 parts Corn Starch
lots of sparkly glitter.

I didn't get all technical about our recipe. We used Pantene because that's what I had. We also didn't use an actual measuring cup but a couple of empty playdough containers that was in our classroom cupboards. After we got it mixed up well, we had to add a little extra corn starch so it wasn't so sticky.

If you have the choice I think the fine smaller particle glitter works best with this. We used silver :) This recipe makes the smoothest, softest dough ever, by the way. It also smells really good and made by hands really soft.
The teachers enjoyed playing with this as much as the kids did I think!
After an hour or so I think it was getting a little crumbly. I'm going to take in another bottle of conditioner in the morning and see if I can soften it back up.
Worked great with our rolling pins and cookie cutters.

We did make quite a mess on the floor and our carpet had some white footprints but it should clean up pretty easily. :)
Want to know what else we did today????

Well it's suppose to be like 5 degrees in the morning (school is actually now on a 2 hour delay so hopefully a little warmer than that by the time the kiddos get there) so we talked about what happens to water when it gets cold and snowmen when it gets warm.. you get the idea. And what would happen if we put cups of water outside tonight? So we did with some liquid watercolors of their choosing to spice it up a little... I also took a moment and talked to the kids about what could happen to our pets if they were left outside in this cold weather and how we should bring them in and make sure they are warm.
I'll post some more pics tomorrow and let you know what happened to our water... oh, and we are going to try blowing bubbles in the cold in the morning....wish us luck, prek style!! :)
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