Sunday, September 22, 2013
Halloween Spider Web Game, PreK Style
This game can be a little challenging for some of your preschoolers but after a few minutes most children pick it up and really have fun with it.
First have your class sit in a large circle and cross their legs and explain the importance of holding on to the yarn when it is tossed to them and not letting go until our web is complete.
Start making your spider web by holding the end of the ball of of yarn and tossing it across the circle to someone you believe will follow the directions. I suggest at this point you call out each name the yarn is to be tossed to next. This will ensure each child is getting a turn and can control the shape and pattern your spider web is taking. Well, as much as possible with a group of preschoolers. lol
Go around your circle as long as the children are engaged or you run out of yarn. I try to start with a full skein of yarn rolled into a ball if possible and we get most of the way through it before something happens.
Our game usually ends when somebody gets bored or silly and lets go... but most things end that way don't they?? (:
Saturday, September 21, 2013
DIY Fall Halloween Stampers, PreK Style
Just the right size for little hands and large enough to keep most of the fingers out of the ink pad.
Made out of foam blocks from the classroom block center and holiday foam stickers. Again, easy to make and fairly cheap materials that most of us already have on hand.
The key to making these stampers is to use two of the same stickers stacked one on top of the other on the bottom of the block. Using two stickers makes it just tall enough to work really well. I have stacked three a couple of times, it just depends on the thickness of the stickers. You can find great packs of the foam stickers around the holidays that have a variety of shapes so you can make lots of different stampers.
I have also cut my own simple shapes out of sheets of scrap foam such as triangles, circles, squares, hearts for Valentine's day, pumpkins, apples, etc.
If you choose to do this just keep in mind that you need to stack them.
If you don't have foam blocks available to mount the stickers on you could use wooden blocks, scrap pieces of wood or even small cans of food such as tomato paste to mount them on.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
Happy Stamping!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Dinosaur Fossils, PreK Style

Enough to cover 1/2" on the bottom of disposable bowls x the numbers of students you are working with.
Plaster of Paris: You will need about 3/4" on top of playdough for each fossil.
Disposable bowls
A variety of small plastic dinosaurs

I put names on each bowl before I even start the activity. (1 thing I don't have to worry about later).
Working with a small group of 3 or 4 children, give them each a handful of playdough pushing it down flat on the table. Then put it in the bowl making sure it is pressed to the bottom. I usually then flip them over and make sure it covers the bottom so it is a nice smooth surface on top.
Now let each child choose a dinosaur to make a fossil of and help them put the dinosaur on its side and push it into the clay to form a good impression. Slowly pull the dinosaur up to make sure it worked.
After these are ready, mix enough plaster of paris to pour on top of the playdough or wait until all of them are done and make up one large batch. I like to do it in small batches so the kids can help me mix it and pour it. Make sure to follow the dry mix to water ratio so it sits up correctly.
The plaster of paris says it dries to the touch in thirty minutes. I always let ours sit over night to make sure they are completely dry before sending them home.
Don't forget to write names on them as you take them out of the bowls so you don't get them mixed up.
When you are ready, carefully turn them over, they should pop right out. The playdough should peel right off as well. If you have tiny pieces of playdough in cracks and crevices you may need a soft bristle brush to clean them, but it is usually not a problem.
Of course you can use this same process with sea shells or other small objects...
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Daily Sign-In, PreK Style

The beginning of the year is all about name recognition. If your class or individual children are having trouble with this you can add a small picture of the child or a symbol (see High Scope Curriculum) next to the child's name to help with this skill.
Children are taught to use these name cards to help write their names or other children's names. If they need help remembering how to spell their names or want to write a friends name in their writing journal they get the card and take it back to the table where they are writing. When they are finished they return the card to it's proper place.
As children leave for the day, their names are taken off the board.
After Christmas, children use their name cards to help them write their names on a sign-in sheet. More on this process later... (:
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Great Teacher Gifts
How many coffee mugs and "Number One Teacher" plaques and magnets can we possibly use?
This was a favorite gift from one of my kids last year. The large part of the pencil is a mailing tube, painted with silver and pink on the end to resemble the eraser part. A Styrofoam cone is glued on the end and painted to resemble the sharpened end of the pencil. The best part? It was filled with chocolate!!
I received this for Christmas last year and the candy lasted throughout the rest of the school year. (:
Another gift we receive a lot of is candles. I know many teachers love candles but due to allergies I can't use them unless they are unscented. Of course, this does make my fellow teachers happy when I give them mine (:
Great gifts for me would be cute holiday dish towels or snowmen Christmas ornaments are great. As well as notepads, post-its and gel pens. I love cute office supplies! Costume jewelry is okay as well, like little pumpkin pins or Easter bunny themed bracelets.
And you can never go wrong with live plants or boxes of candy! (:
What are some of your favorite teacher gifts?
How about things you would rather not receive?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
DIY Dance Ribbons, PreK Style
Simple and inexpensive to make, these dance ribbons will last much longer than any you buy from a school supply store. Dollar store rubber/glitter bracelets and surveyor's tape is all that is needed to make these music props. I think the bracelets were packaged 5 for a dollar and the surveyor's tape I already had on hand but I did a search at and found rolls of 200 feet for less than $3.00 a roll. So you can make 10 of these for about $5.00. The "ribbon" is light weight and vinyl so it works really well even when cut fairly long and doesn't fray on the ends like traditional ribbon. The tape comes in many different bright colors so you can make them different colors or layer several colors on each one. They are very durable, I made these last year and they are still in good shape. Each ribbon is cut to about 3' but this can be very easily changed to fit your needs.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Meaningful Calendar Math, PreK Style
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Rhyming Ball, PreK Style
Rhyming can be challenging for preschoolers so I use whatever methods I can to teach them the new concept. Turning a beach ball into a rhyming game definitely gets their attention and is always a lot of fun.
We start off by tossing the ball around the circle and trying to catch it. This will help them get that need to hit the ball hard when it comes toward them out of the way. (:
Then we're ready to rhyme!
I start by showing the kids each of the pictures and letting them tell me what they are. I want to make sure they are familiar with each word/picture before we start trying to rhyme. I want them to each be successful with this activity, so we also think of a couple of rhyming words as a group as we look at each picture.
Now it's time to start the game. I start by looking at a picture, reading the word and then a rhyming word. For example:
"house, mouse"
...then toss the ball to one of the kids. I choose someone I know will be successful and call their name as I toss it so everyone will know who is suppose to catch the ball and hopefully avoid ten kids jumping for the ball at the same time. (: Also, if they are successful then it will help to reinforce how the game is suppose to work and keep it moving in the right direction. I like to play this until each of the children have had at least one turn but will go as long as the kids are having fun and grasping the concept. If you have a particularly energetic class you can move this game outside to the playground as well.
We start off by tossing the ball around the circle and trying to catch it. This will help them get that need to hit the ball hard when it comes toward them out of the way. (:
Then we're ready to rhyme!
I start by showing the kids each of the pictures and letting them tell me what they are. I want to make sure they are familiar with each word/picture before we start trying to rhyme. I want them to each be successful with this activity, so we also think of a couple of rhyming words as a group as we look at each picture.
Now it's time to start the game. I start by looking at a picture, reading the word and then a rhyming word. For example:
"house, mouse"
...then toss the ball to one of the kids. I choose someone I know will be successful and call their name as I toss it so everyone will know who is suppose to catch the ball and hopefully avoid ten kids jumping for the ball at the same time. (: Also, if they are successful then it will help to reinforce how the game is suppose to work and keep it moving in the right direction. I like to play this until each of the children have had at least one turn but will go as long as the kids are having fun and grasping the concept. If you have a particularly energetic class you can move this game outside to the playground as well.
Friday, September 13, 2013
PreK Word Books ~ Word Wall Alternative
So this year I decided to start making word books.
I originally thought of the traditional laminated pages to make our books, but then ran across some small dollar store picture albums that I already had on hand.
Homework bags brought in all of the material to make our book so all I had to do was add the pictures and items to index cards then label each one before inserting it into the photo page.
Our class homework each Wednesday is based on a letter or our theme. Children are to bring in items to share with the class that start with a certain letter. These items can be drawn, cut from magazines, pictures or actual items. So for the letter R this week we had a wide variety of items including stuffed rabbits, red race cars, rocks, rice and lots more. I always send all of the items back home (taking pictures of items as needed), but keep artwork and magazine pictures to make our books.
These are so much better than word walls for my preschoolers because they can search through the books until they find the word they want to write, open the book right beside their paper on the table and begin copying the word. This method is much easier than with the words on the wall, which is often no where near a table.
The kids also like the fact that these are the pictures they brought to school. Having ownership in the project will give them some encouragement to share their pictures with their classmates.
Word books can of course can be used in your classroom library as well, but I really like them in the writing center. As we get more made I may put some of them in a basket and move them to the library. The kids could still get them out of the basket and take them to the table to write.
Lots of possibilities... (:
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Writing Journals, PreK Style
* Crayons
* Markers (Fat & Skinny)
* Ink Pens (Variety of colors & styles)
* Colored Pencils * Regular Pencils
Once again those note cards and post it notes I keep around the classroom are good to jot down any word a child is wanting to know how to spell. Then let him/her keep the card in their journal or cubbie in case they want to write it again.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Fine Motor Cutting Activity, PreK Style
Often times children come into my classroom who have never had a pair of scissors in their hands.
Parents are afraid of scissors when it comes to their preschoolers, with visions of cut pigtails, holes in shirts and perhaps a new haircut for the cat. Every year I hear "We don't let him/her have scissors"! So it is our job to let these now overanxious kids explore the previously "untouchable" scissors. Usually this starts with teaching them not just how to cut a straight line, but how to hold the scissors.
Upside down, backwards, wrong hand, two handed... I seen it all this morning. When we finally got that figured out, they all did a great job cutting and making these straws fly across the room. One of my absolute favorite cutting activities, this is always a hit with the kids. If you have never snipped straws with a pair of scissors, you should try it next time you get a chance. Little snips work the best and is what we are trying
to encourage here. Just strengthening those little hands by opening and closing the scissors.
All I did after everyone was holding their scissors "thumbs up" was sit back and take notes. (: The rest they did themselves. Encouraged by a more skilled classmate to make those straws fly a little further, each child quickly mastered the straw snipping.
A few more tidbits about this activity:
* Restaurants will usually donate boxes of straws to your classroom.
* Use the cut straws to extend this activity and continue working on those fine motor skills by adding pipe cleaners, yarn and maybe a few beads to string.
Then there is patterning, comparing sizes, and colors and.... well you get the idea.
Happy Wednesday (:
Parents are afraid of scissors when it comes to their preschoolers, with visions of cut pigtails, holes in shirts and perhaps a new haircut for the cat. Every year I hear "We don't let him/her have scissors"! So it is our job to let these now overanxious kids explore the previously "untouchable" scissors. Usually this starts with teaching them not just how to cut a straight line, but how to hold the scissors.
Upside down, backwards, wrong hand, two handed... I seen it all this morning. When we finally got that figured out, they all did a great job cutting and making these straws fly across the room. One of my absolute favorite cutting activities, this is always a hit with the kids. If you have never snipped straws with a pair of scissors, you should try it next time you get a chance. Little snips work the best and is what we are trying

All I did after everyone was holding their scissors "thumbs up" was sit back and take notes. (: The rest they did themselves. Encouraged by a more skilled classmate to make those straws fly a little further, each child quickly mastered the straw snipping.
A few more tidbits about this activity:
* Restaurants will usually donate boxes of straws to your classroom.
* Use the cut straws to extend this activity and continue working on those fine motor skills by adding pipe cleaners, yarn and maybe a few beads to string.
Then there is patterning, comparing sizes, and colors and.... well you get the idea.
Happy Wednesday (:
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Documenting Kids Artwork, PreK Style
I keep note cards in several places in my classroom for quick anecdotal notes, general messages, reminders and of course for documenting children's artwork. They also fit nicely in my pocket without getting all wrinkled up like scraps of paper.
Some important things to remember when documenting children's artwork:
* Name & Date on all papers to make sure they get properly filed in portfolios later.
* Medium - I don't always do this but it helps parents and others know a little more about how this artwork was created and helps with those open-ended questions when talking with the child about their work.
* Try to write exactly what the child says about their work and not to add your own words... It may not make sense to you, but it absolutely makes sense to that child and maybe to others who read the documentation.
* Never write on a child's artwork unless you ask them if you can and even then I try to never do this. If a parent wants to frame their child's picture, it would look much nicer without black sharpie notes written across the top of it. It also shows the children that you respect their work and don't want to "mess it up". I prefer the note card stapled to the picture or even better taped to the wall under the artwork if you have it up and on display. My only problem with this is losing track of the note card if it is not attached in some way. If the picture is going straight in the child's portfolio I sometimes tape the card on the back of the picture, which is a good alternative as well.
One more tidbit: I know children often make great artwork that you really want to display in the classroom or add to their portfolio BUT they really want to take it home immediately to show mom. Right? We've all been there. What do you do? Encourage them to make another one "just like" the first one? Beg them to leave the picture at school "for just a little while" and hope they forget about it? lol Your best bet is to either make a photocopy of the artwork (with a color copier if possible) or take a picture of it. These work great in your art gallery (even great works of art are sold as prints) and in the child's portfolio. After a trip to the copier with the child in tow if possible I even ask the child if they want the one they made to take home or the copy we just made. You would be surprised how often they want to take the copy. (:
Happy documenting!
Some important things to remember when documenting children's artwork:
* Name & Date on all papers to make sure they get properly filed in portfolios later.
* Medium - I don't always do this but it helps parents and others know a little more about how this artwork was created and helps with those open-ended questions when talking with the child about their work.
* Try to write exactly what the child says about their work and not to add your own words... It may not make sense to you, but it absolutely makes sense to that child and maybe to others who read the documentation.
* Never write on a child's artwork unless you ask them if you can and even then I try to never do this. If a parent wants to frame their child's picture, it would look much nicer without black sharpie notes written across the top of it. It also shows the children that you respect their work and don't want to "mess it up". I prefer the note card stapled to the picture or even better taped to the wall under the artwork if you have it up and on display. My only problem with this is losing track of the note card if it is not attached in some way. If the picture is going straight in the child's portfolio I sometimes tape the card on the back of the picture, which is a good alternative as well.
One more tidbit: I know children often make great artwork that you really want to display in the classroom or add to their portfolio BUT they really want to take it home immediately to show mom. Right? We've all been there. What do you do? Encourage them to make another one "just like" the first one? Beg them to leave the picture at school "for just a little while" and hope they forget about it? lol Your best bet is to either make a photocopy of the artwork (with a color copier if possible) or take a picture of it. These work great in your art gallery (even great works of art are sold as prints) and in the child's portfolio. After a trip to the copier with the child in tow if possible I even ask the child if they want the one they made to take home or the copy we just made. You would be surprised how often they want to take the copy. (:
Happy documenting!
Monday, September 9, 2013
DIY Homemade Blocks, PreK Style
My love of boxes Sturdy and colorful, these juice boxes are a perfect fit for a preschool classroom.
Parents love to help you with collections of things especially if it's a recycling project. I used colored duct tape to seal the ends of the boxes to make them just a little sturdier and hold up to a classroom full of 4 and 5-year-olds.
When a box gets mangled it simply gets thrown away and new ones soon take it's place. I had over 100 of these cardboard "blocks" until I changed classrooms last year, which is great for 3 or 4 kids to build really nice structures.

Pizza boxes, new ones donated from restaurants, work great for this as well and are nice because they come in different sizes. It would be great to get them donated from several different pizza shops so the kids could compare them.
Cereal boxes are probably the kids favorite because they love to look at the various kinds of cereal. However, with cereal boxes I had to stuff them with wadded up sheets of newspaper to make them a little sturdier and they didn't last as long because of the thinner cardboard.
Hope this give you some ideas about how to make homemade blocks for your block center.
Happy Monday! (:
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Fall Pumpkins, Fine Motor PreK Style

Saturday, September 7, 2013
DIY Dry Erase White Boards
These were so easy to make and were fairly cheap to make.. which are both great qualities in a project for me! I bought a 4'x8' piece of shower board for about $11.00 at our local Lowe's Home Improvement store. They will cut it for you for FREE!! Cut in 12"x12" square boards, you can get 32 nice size boards.
We (Actually it was my awesome assistant teacher, Becky) sealed the sides with florescent duct tape from the dollar store which we already had on hand.
This is to keep the edges from tearing up when they get bumped around by preschoolers all day.
The great little round erasers are also from the dollar store. They are makeup remover / facial scrubbers were packaged 3/$1 and came in bright matching florescent colors as well! :)
We plan on giving these to each of the kids as Christmas presents this year... A board, an eraser and a marker. :)
So far the kids have absolutely loved them!
We (Actually it was my awesome assistant teacher, Becky) sealed the sides with florescent duct tape from the dollar store which we already had on hand.
This is to keep the edges from tearing up when they get bumped around by preschoolers all day.
The great little round erasers are also from the dollar store. They are makeup remover / facial scrubbers were packaged 3/$1 and came in bright matching florescent colors as well! :)
We plan on giving these to each of the kids as Christmas presents this year... A board, an eraser and a marker. :)
So far the kids have absolutely loved them!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Family Picture Board, PreK Style
A little different take on the traditional "Family Tree". Our family board is coming along nicely.
We started this activity by talking about how we are all the same and how we are all different. We looked at the family pictures that have been brought in so far and looked at how big some of our families are and how small others are.
We also looked each of us as individuals and what is the same and different. We compared eye and hair color as well as skin tone. When we were looking at skin tone we each choose a piece of paper that resembled our skin color the closest. We then traced each of the children's hands on their paper and cut them out. (I didn't feel most of our kids were quite ready to cut these out by themselves yet so we did it for them for this activity)
Adding their family pictures to each of their hands and a Helen Keller quote "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" we have about completed our board. We are still waiting on a few family pictures, and at least one hand to complete our board but so far I think it looks great! It also carries a great reminder for all of us. We are all very different in the way we look, in our cultures, traditions and with the people who make up our families, but we have our classroom in common and if we all work together we can accomplish a lot! (:

I will try to remember to take a few more pictures after it is completed.
Hope you all have a great weekend! (:
We started this activity by talking about how we are all the same and how we are all different. We looked at the family pictures that have been brought in so far and looked at how big some of our families are and how small others are.
We also looked each of us as individuals and what is the same and different. We compared eye and hair color as well as skin tone. When we were looking at skin tone we each choose a piece of paper that resembled our skin color the closest. We then traced each of the children's hands on their paper and cut them out. (I didn't feel most of our kids were quite ready to cut these out by themselves yet so we did it for them for this activity)

I will try to remember to take a few more pictures after it is completed.
Hope you all have a great weekend! (:
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Giving Tree Class Donations
I like to have a variety of items ranging from post-it notes and sharpies to bird feed for our window bird feeder.
You can also ask for recycled items for projects such as shoe boxes or empty peanut butter jars.
As you can tell most of our apples have been "picked" and we have received most of the items we have asked for! :)
Families love to help when they can, it's fun to pick the apples and the apple is a great reminder for them to put on a refrigerator or in a purse.
I think I'm going to make a new sign to hang on the tree soon that says "Thank you for all your help, all of our apples have been picked!" I may however leave this up all year and add new apples when and if the need arises.
btw We have this hanging right outside the classroom door in the hallway so parents can see it when they are dropping off their children.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Fine Motor Literacy Activity PreK Style
We made these on our first full day of school with all of the kids. A great activity as they learn to recognize the letters in their names and their new friends names. They were each given a sheet of construction paper with the first letter of their name written with a wide black sharpie rather large across the paper.
I gave the kids a variety of stickers of different sizes and for the most part let them choose the ones they were comfortable using.
For some of the kids who were having difficulty I tried to encourage them to use the larger stickers so they could fill their letter up a little quicker.
I love that this little fellow figured out the larger sticker thing when he was almost finished with his letter. (:
Great way to determine who may need a little extra help with their fine motor skills.
I always try to use uniformly shaped stickers for the children's activities. The cute stickers that are oddly shaped often tear really easy and can frustrate the kids and discourage them from finishing the activity.
The kids really like working on these, they are easy to put together, look great hanging in the hallway and there is very little mess. My kind of activity!
Hope you are all having a great week at school!
I gave the kids a variety of stickers of different sizes and for the most part let them choose the ones they were comfortable using.
For some of the kids who were having difficulty I tried to encourage them to use the larger stickers so they could fill their letter up a little quicker.
I love that this little fellow figured out the larger sticker thing when he was almost finished with his letter. (:
Great way to determine who may need a little extra help with their fine motor skills.
I always try to use uniformly shaped stickers for the children's activities. The cute stickers that are oddly shaped often tear really easy and can frustrate the kids and discourage them from finishing the activity.
The kids really like working on these, they are easy to put together, look great hanging in the hallway and there is very little mess. My kind of activity!
Hope you are all having a great week at school!
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