Sunday, August 18, 2013

A few favorites from last year

This is an old Tupperware relish tray I found while cleaning out my kitchen cabinets last summer for a yard sale. I laminated the numbers and taped them down so I can easily change them if I want. Great sorting tray and it even has a lid! (:

 I took this picture not long after I put this chart on the window and the kids hadn't quite figured it out yet. The idea is that when someone sees a bird at one of our feeders they could color in one of the rectangles on our chart. Rethinking this one, but I really like the concept. I may need to do it daily for a while in the beginning until they get the hang of it.
These are pizza pans attached to the wall. The children's names are on each of the magnets. I would read the days question and each child would find their name and put it on yes or no. I found some great sentence strip holders at the dollar store and cut them to fit my needs.

 Our Post Office! We had such a great time with this. The mailboxes I made with lots of priority mail boxes and boxing tape. The best part is they were free! I labelled each child's name on the front and back of each slot so if you were "working" in the post office you could match the name on the mail to the mail slot and the kids playing in the rest of the room would look for their name and get their mail from the front. To the right and around the corner I had a counter set up with a cash register in case the kids had packages to mail. I will look for more pictures if anyone is interested. (:

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